Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Nutrition For The Brain

 The brain can clearly be identified as the best and the most important component of the body. It gives orders to almost every other part of your body what to do, every time, whether you're conscious of it or not. When a message receives into the brain from wherever in the body, the brain directs the body how to respond. It not only manage what you think and sense, how you study and memorize,  but also functions that you might not be attentive of, such as the beating of the heart.
The brain has higher nutrient requirements than other parts of the body. Proper nutrition is extremely significant for the healthy function of the brain. Different nutrition plans or nutrient consumption can change the performance of nerves in the brain. Shortages or overloads of particular vitamins or minerals can harm nerves in the brain, can lead to changes in mind, limiting analytical capability, and damaging brain performance.
Numerous dietary factors can influence brain health. Often shortages of several nutrients relatively than a particular nutrient are accountable for changes in brain performance.
Carbohydrates considerably have an effect on frame of mind and activities. Eating a meal rich in carbohydrates is extremely important to maintain sufficient levels of the brain fuel glucose. Best sources of carbohydrates are Whole Wheat Flour, Beans and legumes, Green Gram, Dry Dates, Apricot, and starchy vegetables such as corn.
 Proteins can stimulate or calm your brain as well as nourish your brain during its existence. Protein's linking role is even more spectacular and important for the growth of the brain. When nerve cells travel from their place of birth, protein performs as a molecular guide.
Proteins in the meal influence brain operation as they supply the amino acids from which neurotransmitters are fabricated. Neurotransmitters are the messengers that transmit signals from one brain cell to another. The better you nourish these couriers, the more powerfully they carry the supplies.Calcium is an important nutrient for the function of the brain too. Calcium is not just significant to growing bones, but to growing brains as well. Children with calcium shortages might show weakened performance and learning. Nutritional intake of fats might also have an important role in brain performance. Nutritional fats can be found in both animal and plant foodstuff.
 By following the fundamentals of nutrition, you can keep your brain healthy and make sure that your brain is functioning properly.
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Pengertian Nutrisi
Secara konsep, makanan adalah zat-zat yang dimakan. Makanan juga disebut sebagai zat-zat yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Zat-zat makanan yang berfungsi membentuk dan memelihara jaringan tubuh, memperoleh tenaga, mengatur pekerjaan di dalam tubuh dan melindungi tubuh terhadap serangan penyakit disebut nutrisi.

Esensi Nutrisi
Untuk membangun tubuh yang sehat, dan lebih penting lagi mempertahankannya, pemasukkan gizi yang baik diperlukan. Pola makan sehat juga penting untuk membantu melindungi seseorang dari penyakit seperti penyakit jantung dan kanker tertentu. Berikut ini diuraikan makanan apa yang diperlukan dibawah ini.

1. Karbohidrat.
Karbohidrat merupakan senyawa yang terdiri dari elemen-elemen karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen dan terbagi menjadi gula/karbohidrat sederhana dan karbohidrat kompleks. Karbohidrat sederhana merupakan sumber energi yang paling ekonomis dan paling banyak tersedia. Karbohidrat sangat bermanfaat karena merupakan penghasil energi yang cepat dan menghasilkan serat agar proses eliminasi pencernaan dan fungsi-fungsi intestinal berfungsi normal.
Karbohidrat adalah sumber energi tubuh dan dapat anda temukan dalam 2 bentuk : tepung dan gula. Tepung ditemukan di makanan seperti beras, pasta, roti, kentang, kacang-kacangan, dan padi-padian. Gula dapat ditemukan di makanan seperti coklat, permen atau kue. Karbohidrat untuk makanan sehat seharusnya lebih mengandung tepung dibandingkan mengandung gula.
Jika seseorang tidak mengkonsumsi karbohidrat yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya akan menimbulkan efek-efek merugikan. Kekurangan asupan karbohidrat dapat menimbulkan kehilangan energi, mudah lelah, terjadi pemecahan protein yang berlebihan, dan akan mengalami gangguan keseimbangan air, natrium, kalium dan korida. Sebaliknya, jika seseorang kelebihan mengkonsumsi karbohidrat akan meyebabkan berat badan meningkat dan terjadi obesitas.

2. Protein
Protein merupakan sat pembangun jaringan tubuh. Protein terutama terdapat pada otot dan kelenjar, organ-organ dalam, otak, syaraf, kulit, rambut dan kuku, enzim-enzim serta hormon. Protein berasal dari sumber-sumber makanan hewan dan tumbuhan. Sumber protein penting adalah daging, ikan, susu dan produk mengandung susu. Seperti halnya karbohidrat, protein mengandung karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen, tetapi selain itu protein juga mengandung nitrogen. Beberapa protein juga mengandung fosfor, sulfur, iodium dan zat besi.
Fungsi protein antara lain menjaga proses fisiologis tubuh karena merupakan bahan pembentuk hormon, protein plasma, antibodi dan kromosom. Protein juga berperan dalam perkembangan tubuh yaitu penting bagi pertumbuhan, pemulihan dan memelihara struktur tubuh. Protein berperan juga dalam metabolisme, karena sebagai enzim protein mempercepat terlibat aktif dalam reaksi biologis dan kimiawi tubuh. Fungsi protein yang lain adalah memelihara keseimbangan asam basa,sebagai sumber energi dan dapat berperan sebagai penawar racun.
Kebutuhan protein perharinya adalah sekitar 0,8 g/kg berat badan/hari. Kekurangan protein dapat menyebabkan mudah lelah, kehilangan selera makan, diare dan vomitus, retardasi pertumbuhan serta dapat terjadi odema, misalnya pada penyakit kwasiorkor. Kelebihan protein dapat menimbulkan beban kerja hati dan ginjal bertambah berat.

3. Lemak
Lemak tersusun atas karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen sebagai sumber cadangan energi tubuh. Lemak tidak dapat larut dalam air tetapi larut pada larutan organik seperti kloroform, eter, dan petroleum. Sumber utama lemak adalah lemak hewani dan minyak tumbuhan seperti minyak kelapa, minyak kelapa sawit, jagung, dan sebagainya. lemak dapat dilihat diantaranya dalam bentuk daging, minyak tumbuhan dan keju.
Lemak merupakan energi simpanan untuk tubuh yang akan dibakar saat dibutuhkan. Kita semua butuh lemak tapi tidak berlebihan. Memang baik untuk makan lebih banyak lemak tidak jenuh dan lebih sedikit lemak jenuh. Lemak tak jenuh dapat ditemukan di minyak sayur seperti sunflower dan ikan berminyak seperti makarel atau sarden dan mentega halus. Lemak jenuh dapat ditemukan di daging dan produk-produk bersusu, biskuit, kue dan pastry.
Lemak mempunyai fungsi penting, diantaranya menghasilkan energi, membaw vitamin A, D, E dan K yang larut dalam lemak. Lemak akan memberikan asam lemak esensial yang dibutuhkan bagi pertumbuhan dan kesehatan kulit. Jika asupan lemak kurang mencukupi kebutuhan tubuh, akan mudah terjadi penyakit kulit atau ekzema dan dapat mengalami retardasi pertumbuhan. Konsumsi lemak yang berlebihan dapat meningkatkan berat badan dan menyebabkan obesitas. Bagi seseorang yang menderita dislipidemia, konsumsi lemak berlebihan dapat menaikkan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida.

4. Serat
Sumber serat yang baik adalah sereal sarapan pagi, roti gandum, buah dan sayuran, remah dan kacang-kacangan. Seorang pria butuh sekitar 18-30 gms per serat satu harinya.

5. Vitamin
Vitamin adalah zat yang dalam jumlah kecil diperlukan untuk kesehatan tubuh. Kekurangan tertentu dapat menghambat metabolisme, menyebabkan kelelahan, dan masalah kesehatan lainnya. Defisiensi vitamin tertentu dapat menimbulkan penyakit yang hanya dapat sembuh dengan pemberian vitamin. Vitamin memiliki fungsi yang sangat bervariasi dan berperan dalam pertumbuhan, melahirkan keturunan yang sehat serta menjaga kesehatan. Vitamin sangat penting dalam metabolisme tubuh, yang memungkinkan tubuh menggunakan zat nutrisi penting seperti karbohidrat, lemak, protein dan mineral. Beberapa vitamin dapat meningkatkan nafsu makan membantu pencernaakan dan sebagai pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi bakteri. Vitamin sangat penting karena berbagai alasan. Mereka mempertahankan semuanya, mulai dari sistem kekebalan dan pencernaan yang sehat sampai kulit yang bagus.

6. Mineral
Memiliki peran penting dalam mempertahankan struktur tubuh termasuk rambut, gigi dan tulang, serta membantu menjaga pergerakan otot, mengatur proses fisiologis tubuh dan menjaga keseimbangan asam basa. Mineral juga berperan penting untuk pembentukan sel-sel baru sehingga sangat diperlukan bagi pertumbuhan bayi dan balita.

7. Air
Tidak mengejutkan kalau ini merupakan yang paling penting. Seorang pria seharusnya meminum sekitar 1.5 sampai 2.5 liter air perhari. Jumlah ini meningkat jika udaranya panas dan saat berolahraga. Pada pria, air meliputi 50-70% berat tubuh total dan tanpa itu, kita tidak dapat berfungsi secara tepat. Air memiliki peran penting dalam penyerapan gizi, sirkulasi dan penghilangan material buangan.

Nutrient Density

By Shereen Jegtvig, Guide

What Is Nutrient Density

How do you decide which foods you want to eat? Flavor? Texture? Convenience? Comfort? Many people choose the foods they eat based on immediate gratification, without much thought about the long-term effects of their selections. That often results in choosing foods that taste good, but are not good for you. What about the nutritional value of the foods you eat? When you choose your foods, be sure to consider the nutrient density of the foods. Nutrient density refers to the amount of nutrients for the given volume of food. Nutrient-dense foods have lots of nutrients, generally with fewer calories. All those superfoods you've heard about are nutrient dense foods. Energy-dense foods have more calories for the volume of food and generally fewer nutrients.

How Nutrient Density Works

You are hungry and it is a few hours until dinner so you decide you want a snack. You can choose either an apple or a glazed donut. They are roughly the same size and either food works as a quick snack so you can get back to work. Which one do you choose?
Hopefully you chose the apple. Why? The apple has around 80 calories and lots of vitamins, fiber and phytochemicals that will keep you healthy. The fiber and water in the apple will fill your stomach and keep you satisfied until dinner.
The donut has calories. Lots of calories. In fact, the donut has more than 200 calories but it doesn't have many nutrients. There is only about one gram of fiber so it won't keep you feeling full either, so eating that glazed donut will frequently lead to eating a second one. The donut also has lots of unhealthy saturated fat and plenty of sugar. Sure it tastes good, but your body might pay quite a price for the immediate gratification.
You can also compare nutrient density using the amount of calories in the food rather than volume or portion size. Let's compare a cup of carrot slices to four saltine crackers. Both snacks have about 50 calories, but the carrots have many more nutrients for the same number of calories. The carrots are nutrient dense; the crackers are energy dense. This is important for people on weight-loss diets. Foods that are low in calories, but high in fiber and other vitamins, will keep you satisfied and healthy while you lose weight.

Nutrient-Dense Superfoods

You can probably already see from the examples that brightly colored fruits and vegetables are big winners in nutrient density. That's one reason why so many fruits and vegetables qualify as superfoods, or foods that are rich in nutrients and other compounds that have healthy benefits such as fiber, phytochemicals and essential fatty acids. The superfood fruits and vegetables include carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, kale, spinach, berries, apples, cherries, pomegranate and oranges. Other nutrient-dense superfoods include salmon, tuna, trout, low-fat dairy products, oatmeal and whole grains, soy, dry beans sand even some fortified foods. On the other hand, energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods include things that are high in sugar and fat such as refined white breads, pasta, pastries, processed lunch meats and cheeses, ice cream, candy, soda, potato chips and corn chips. In other words, junk food.
Choosing nutrient-dense superfoods at the grocery store is pretty easy if you stay along the edges of the store, where the produce, fresh lean meats, low-fat dairy and fresh bakery goods are found. These fresh foods may be more expensive than the energy-dense packaged foods, but you buy more nutrition for that price. Of course, most shoppers choose some packaged foods for convenience, but you can still make smart choices with those products -- just read the labels.
You can easily find the Nutrition Facts labels on the backs or sides of the packages. Look at the serving sizes, note the number of calories per serving and look at the amount of fiber, vitamins, calcium and iron. The packaged food that has the better combination of lower calories, higher nutrients and less sodium is the winner.

Nutrient-Dense Meals

You can prepare nutrient-dense meals by choosing nutrient-dense superfoods and ingredients for your dishes. A nutrient-dense meal should have one serving of a healthy protein source such as legumes, fish, poultry or low-fat meat. One serving is typically about the size of a pack of playing cards. The rest of the meal should be made up of healthy side dishes. Vegetables are always good, even with a little bit of cheese or sauce. Whole-grain pastas, brown rice and wild rice are good choices as well. A green salad with lots of vegetables can make a nice nutrient-dense superfoods side dish or can be a great meal on its own. Clear soups with lots of vegetables are nutrient-dense compared to cream soups which have more calories and are more energy dense.

Would I Ever Choose Foods That Are Energy-Dense?

People who are underweight need some energy-dense foods to make sure they are getting enough calories to gain weight. Healthy energy dense foods include peanut butter, dried fruits, starchy vegetables and cheese.

Why Should I Think About Nutrient Density?

Eating nutrient-dense food will ensure you are getting all the nutrition you need. A nutrient-dense diet won't leave you feeling hungry so maintaining your weight is much easier. Choosing nutrient dense foods can become second nature. Once you understand which foods are more nutrient dense, the rest is easy. Just remember that the foods you eat can affect your health in a big way. To be healthy or unhealthy? The choice is yours. 

Darmon N, Darmon, M, Maillot M, Drewnowski A. "A nutrient density standard for vegetables and fruits: nutrients per calorie and nutrients per unit cost." J Am Diet Assoc. 2005 Dec;105(12):1881-7.
Ledikwe JH, Blanck HM, Khan LK, Serdula MK, Seymour JD, Tohill BC, Rolls BJ. "Low-energy-density diets are associated with high diet quality in adults in the United States." J Am Diet Assoc. 2006 Aug;106(8):1172-80.
Drewnowski A. "Concept of a nutritious food: toward a nutrient density score." Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Oct;82(4):721-32.

Zat Gizi Dalam Makanan

Bagi sebagian orang, makan merupakan kegiatan menyenangkan. Namun di balik itu, ketika Anda menikmatinya, apakah berkualitas nilai gizinya? Percuma saja jika penampilan, aroma, dan cita rasanya baik, tapi gizinya rendah. Padahal, tubuh kita sangat mengandalkan manfaat yang dimiliki zat gizi dari makanan tersebut. Alasannya, tubuh tidak dapat memproduksi beberapa jenis zat gizi. Jadi, zat yang ada di dalam makanan, menjadi penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Ketika tubuh Anda melakukan pencernaan, makanan dipecah menjadi berbagai macam zat gizi yang mudah diserap ke dalam aliran darah. Kemudian, langsung diedarkan ke seluruh sel tubuh Anda. Tapi, tahukah Anda, jika lebih dari 40 jenis zat gizi di dalam makanan, dikelompokkan menjadi 6 kelompok dengan fungsi yang unik dan spesifik.
1. Karbohidrat.
Di dalam tubuh kita, zat gizi ini adalah sumber utama energi bagi tubuh. Yang perlu Anda perhatikan, ada dua jenis karbohidrat, yaitu karbohidrat kompleks (zat tepung) dan gula yang dapat dicerna dan diserap oleh tubuh. Namun, ada juga karbohidrat lainnya yang terdapat pada serat. Tapi, serat tidak termasuk zat gizi, karena tidak dapat dicerna dan diserap oleh tubuh. Meskipun, serat sangat membantu pencernaan dan memberikan perlindungan terhdapat beberapa penyakit.
2. Lemak. 
Tubuh Anda tentunya tidak dapat membuat semua jenis asam lemak yang diperlukan. Meskipun begitu, asam lemak dapat diperoleh dari makanan yang Anda konsumsi. Lemak selain berfungsi untuk menghasilkan energi, juga alat transportasi zat gizi lain dan bagian dari berbagai sel tubuh.
3. Protein. 
Zat gizi ini tentunya dapat juga diubah menjadi energi, bila tubuh Anda kekurangan karbohidrat dan lemak. Jika hal ini terjadi, protein hanya berfungsi sebagai pemeliharaan jaringan tubuh. Padahal, protein yang mengandung asam amino ini bekerja untuk membangun, memperbaiki, dan mempertahankan jaringan tubuh Anda. Pada prinsipnya, tubuh Anda dapat memproduksi asam amino yang nonesensial. Sedangkan asam amino yang esensial harus diambil dari makanan.
4. Vitamin.
Setiap jenis vitamin yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, tentunya akan mengatur sendiri dengan proses yang berbeda. Karena perannya yang aman spesifik, setiap jenis vitamin tidak dapat menggantikan fungsi vitamin yang lain. Sebab, fungsi vitamin adalah pemicu berbagai proses dalam tubuh, yang mengawali terjadinya reaksi kimia di dalam sel-sel tubuh.
5. Mineral.
Fungsi mineral sama halnya dengan vitamin. Ia bekerja sebagai pemicu proses, dan memiliki pembagian tugas yang unik.
6. Air.
Tahukah Anda, jika air itu dapat membantu mengatur suhu tubuh kita. Pasalnya, berat tubuh kita terdiri atas air sebanyak 55% sampai 75%. Peranan air di dalam tubuh kita, sebagai pengatur proses pengataran zat gizi dan kimia tubuh lainnya ke dalam sel. Dan, membawa perginya limbah yang dihasilkan tubuh.


Eating Vegetables Gives Skin a More Healthy Glow Than the Sun, Study Shows

ScienceDaily (Jan. 12, 2011) — New research suggests eating vegetables gives you a healthy tan. The study, led by Dr Ian Stephen at The University of Nottingham, showed that eating a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables gives you a more healthy golden glow than the sun.
The research, which showed that instead of heading for the sun the best way to look good is to munch on carrots and tomatoes, has been published in the Journal Evolution and Human Behaviour.
Dr Ian Stephen, from the School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, led the research as part of his PhD at the University of St Andrews and Bristol University. He said: "Most people think the best way to improve skin colour is to get a suntan, but our research shows that eating lots of fruit and vegetables is actually more effective.
Dr Stephen and his team in the Perception Lab found that people who eat more portions of fruit and vegetables per day have a more golden skin colour, thanks to substances called carotenoids. Carotenoids are antioxidants that help soak up damaging compounds produced by the stresses and strains of everyday living, especially when the body is combating disease. Responsible for the red colouring in fruit and vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes, carotenoids are important for our immune and reproductive systems.
Dr Stephen said: "We found that, given the choice between skin colour caused by suntan and skin colour caused by carotenoids, people preferred the carotenoid skin colour, so if you want a healthier and more attractive skin colour, you are better off eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables than lying in the sun."
Dr Stephen suggests that the study is important because evolution would favour individuals who choose to form alliances or mate with healthier individuals over unhealthy individuals.
Professor David Perrett, who heads the Perception Lab, said: "This is something we share with many other species. For example, the bright yellow beaks and feathers of many birds can be thought of as adverts showing how healthy a male bird is. What's more, females of these species prefer to mate with brighter, more coloured males. But this is the first study in which this has been demonstrated in humans."
While this study describes work in Caucasian faces, the paper also describes a study that suggests the effect may exist cross culturally, since similar preferences for skin yellowness were found in an African population.
The work was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Unilever Research, and published with support from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the British Academy and Wolfson Foundation.
See: for demos or to participate in face experiments.

Journal Reference:
  1. Ian D. Stephen, Vinet Coetzee, David I. Perrett. Carotenoid and melanin pigment coloration affect perceived human health☆☆☆. Evolution and Human Behavior, 2010; DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2010.09.003

Junk Food Makes Kids Fatter, But Happier, Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (Apr. 14, 2009) — Fast food and soft drinks may be making children fatter but they also make them happy. Programs aimed at tackling childhood obesity, by reducing children's consumption of unhealthy food and drink, are likely to be more effective if they also actively seek to keep children happy in other ways, according to Professor Hung-Hao Chang from National Taiwan University and Professor Rodolfo Nayga from the University of Arkansas in the US. 
Childhood obesity is a major public health issue worldwide. It is well accepted that unhealthy eating patterns are partly responsible for the increase in childhood obesity. However, very little is known about the relationship between fast food and soft drink consumption and children's happiness.
For the first time, Chang and Nayga looked at the relationship between unhealthy dietary habits and children's psychological health. In particular, they studied the effects of fast food and soft drink consumption on children's body weight and unhappiness. Using data from the National Health Interview Survey in Taiwan - a nationwide survey carried out in 2001 - the authors looked at the fast food and soft drink consumption, body weight and level of happiness of 2,366 children aged between 2 and 12 years old. Fast food included French fries, pizza and hamburgers; soft drinks included soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages.
A quarter of the children in the survey sample were overweight or obese and approximately 19 percent sometimes or often felt unhappy, sad or depressed. The study's key finding was that children who ate fast food and drank soft drinks were more likely to be overweight, but they were also less likely to be unhappy. The authors' analysis also highlighted a number of factors influencing children's body weight, eating patterns and happiness. For example, mothers' consumption of fast food and soft drinks predicted her child's eating habits. Those children who ate fast food were more likely to also consume soft drinks. Children from lower income households were more likely to have unhealthy dietary habits and be overweight or obese.
The authors conclude: "Our findings suggest that consumption of fast food and soft drinks can result in a trade-off between children's objective (i.e. obesity) and subjective (i.e. unhappiness) well-being.
Policies and programs that aim to improve children's overall health should take these effects on children's objective and subjective well-being into account to facilitate the reduction in childhood obesity without sacrificing children's degree of happiness."

Journal Reference:
  1. Hung-Hao Chang and Rodolfo M. Nayga. Childhood Obesity and Unhappiness: The Influence of Soft Drinks and Fast Food Consumption. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2009; DOI: 10.1007/s10902-009-9139-4 

Health & Nutrition

While successful in reducing infant and child mortality rates in recent years, Indonesia faces greater challenges in reducing child malnutrition and improving maternal health. Maternal mortality is still high at 307 per 100,000. Micronutrient deficiencies, including iodine, vitamin A and iron are prevalent; 58 million Indonesians do not consume iodized salt; up to 70% of women and children are anemic. Political decentralization has resulted in a lack of funding and management capacity for health services in many of the nation’s 33 provinces and 440 districts. This has had a negative impact on many aspects of health care, especially crucial immunization efforts across the archipelago. Political decentralization has resulted in a lack of funding and management capacity for health services in many of the nation’s 33 provinces and 440 districts
Still, immunization has shown improvement from the 1990s, with 72 per cent of children 12-23 months old immunized against measles. Immunization coverage in Indonesia varies widely, however, and outbreaks of measles are not uncommon. Polio cases have re-emerged in 2005, for the first time since 1996, with 295 reported cases in the first nine months alone. One in five Districts is at high risk for maternal and neonatal tetanus. Malaria affects up to 20 percent of the population, especially in Eastern Indonesia. Only 10 percent of 30 million annual malaria cases are treated in health facilities.

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